There are fine tools out that generate color schemes with a color wheel based on color science. E.g. Paletton does so and offer me to export the colors to CSS.
It is not clear for me to which elements of a website (text, background, active links, inactive links, etc) this colors belongs.
I don't understand this term main primary/secondary color 1 and 2.
/* CSS - Cascading Style Sheet */
/* Palette color codes */
/* Palette URL: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> */
/* Feel free to copy&paste color codes to your application */
/* As RGBa codes */
.rgba-primary-0 { color: rgba(248,207,214,1) } /* Main Primary color */
.rgba-primary-1 { color: rgba(209, 57, 81,1) }
.rgba-primary-2 { color: rgba(232, 98,119,1) }
.rgba-primary-3 { color: rgba(202,148,156,1) }
.rgba-primary-4 { color: rgba(165,115,123,1) }
.rgba-secondary-1-0 { color: rgba(255,225,213,1) } /* Main Secondary color (1) */
.rgba-secondary-1-1 { color: rgba(221,106, 60,1) }
.rgba-secondary-1-2 { color: rgba(245,144,104,1) }
.rgba-secondary-1-3 { color: rgba(214,173,156,1) }
.rgba-secondary-1-4 { color: rgba(175,137,122,1) }
.rgba-secondary-2-0 { color: rgba(232,194,214,1) } /* Main Secondary color (2) */
.rgba-secondary-2-1 { color: rgba(179, 49,120,1) }
.rgba-secondary-2-2 { color: rgba(199, 84,146,1) }
.rgba-secondary-2-3 { color: rgba(173,126,152,1) }
.rgba-secondary-2-4 { color: rgba(142, 99,122,1) }
/* Generated by © 2002-2014 */
/* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> */
EDIT: I think what I mean is the question if there is a color or design theory that tells me which type of colors (main primary/secondary ...) I should use for the different elements of a website?