I am new to Dribbble and it's really cool place for designers but i'm facing problem in resolution and dimensions for Dribbble shots.
I've a habit of exporting vector work at 300ppi jpg/png.
As per Dribbble guidelines I created an artboard of 400*300px and exported it to 300 ppi and my output file does not turn out be 400*300px but something quite larger (1668*1251). I researched about it a lot I found (click here for answer 1).
According to it the only way to get exact dimensions is exporting my file at 400*300 @ 72ppi. At 72ppi my work doesn't look neat and it looks horribly pixelated.
If you're a Dribbble user, what dimensions and resolution you export your work?
I am using Adobe illustrator CC 2018.