- Illustrate a fake "painting" to go in a scene, and apply a clipping mask to bound it to the frame.
- Group whole scene and apply clipping mask to the layer, or to the group if there are multiple versions, so I can show a coworker/my boss how they'll look for the final.
- Now need to get rid of 1-20 clipping masks that contain other clipping masks that I don't want to get rid of, or re-mask.
If I release the masks by highlighting the group/layer in the layers panel and clicking the make/release mask button at the bottom, it will release not only the mask on that group, but every mask contained in the group. I will then need to re-mask them all manually.
If I just delete the masking object from each group/layer, the problem goes away, but the layer/group is still technically masked, just by nothing. If I try to add a mask later and forget this is the case, I will still need to re-mask every sub-group, as the first click will release every mask.
I do illustration and some website mockups and my work flow is to work mostly in one layer until I need to output/hand it off to someone else. I ended up doing some animation assets/storyboarding in the program (long story), so I had one master artboard with everything layered on it, and 10-25 artboards as storyboard frames. This is all descriptive of what I do, not prescriptive for what I should do.