What is the most efficient way to select multiple anchor points in Sketch 3? I'm an Ai user and I want to instinctively toggle between the direct selection and pen tools and just click and drag - can someone provide me an equivalent process?

Below is how I currently select multiple anchors in Sketch 3.

  • Click object
  • Press enter
  • Hold cmd + option and click and drag anchor points
  • Adjust
  • 0

    2 Answers 2


    hold cmd + option and click and drag to select multiple anchor points. Hold option + shift and drag to deselect.

    • Thanks @LLong, that does cut having to click on multiple anchors.. Commented May 27, 2016 at 14:09

    The most efficient way to select multiple anchors is to utilize the multi-anchor icon on the right panel.

    enter image description here

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