My (scientific) collaborator sent me swatches of the three colors ("red," "green," and "blue") shown below.
Unfortunately, it is a raster image and the lines are antialiased, so when I zoom in and use a color picker to find the color of each line, each line is comprised of many different color values. I can no longer contact my collaborator to ask him for the RGB color triplets he used to generate said antialiased lines.
I wish to find:
- a single RGB triplet that approximates the color of the "red" line
- a single RGB triplet that approximates the color of the "green" line
- a single RGB triplet that approximates the color of the "blue" line
That way, I can generate plots that look similar to my collaborator's (my plotter can only take one RGB triplet per plot line/curve).
Can someone lend me a hand and tell me how to do this (or please do it for me)? I'm not an artist and don't have fancy software. I have GIMP 2 and Microsoft Paint.