I am in the process of creating a wedding website for somebody and I am trying to match some of the accent colors to a fabric swatch that will be used for the bridesmaids dresses. I'm having a heck of a time getting the color on the screen to match what's actually on the swatch.
So far, I tried just picking a color from a photo the bride sent me of one of the dresses. However, the lighting was terrible and the photo was taken with an iphone, so the color really looks nothing like the actual color I need.
I've also tried simply "making" the color using the color selection tool in Photoshop, but I could never get it to look quite right. It was always odd that the color on the screen is "glowing" and the fabric swatch is obviously not. I also noticed that the color would match on one screen and then not look quite right on another.
Do you all have any recommendations? Maybe taking a photo of the swatch with a good camera under ideal conditions, including a sheet of white paper for reference to get the white balance right, and going from there?
I don't necessarily need it to be an absolutely perfect match, so it seems like purchasing an expensive screen calibrator would be overkill. Nobody else is going to be holding the color swatch up to the screen checking me. But I do want it to match fairly well...
What would you suggest?