I'm looking to copy images from one program into Photoshop, re-size and apply stroke & color overlay. When I re-size the image the edges are become very jagged. Like so: enter image description here

Is there a way to smooth these edges quickly? I have to do this to around 4,500 images. Currently i'm manually cutting away the jagged edges but it's incredibly time consuming.

Thanks all.

  • Could you post an image of the original before scaling? If your edges are anti-aliased it's a lot easier to get a good result than if the edges are sharp.
    – Wolff
    Commented Sep 25, 2019 at 20:15

1 Answer 1


I'd do something like this. Here're my shapes: original and pushed up to 500%

enter image description here

  1. Load layer as a selection (top Photoshop menu Select > Load Selection > Channel: Layer Transparency):

    enter image description here

  2. Using Select > Select And Mask I'd try to find the values that give me the result I like: it's usually some feather, then contrast, a bit of smoothing and shrinking edges a bit. Outputting the result to a new selection.

    enter image description here

  3. Now I have a sharp selection. Next I just create a new layer, fill it with foreground color (Edit > Fill), remove selection, apply overlay and stroke:

    enter image description here

  4. Then I record all these steps as an Action and can assign it to a hotkey or run it on a folder of files using File > Automate > Batch...

    enter image description here

You're going to lose some details: like sharp corner and smoothness of circles, but you can bend the result to be more sharp or more smooth depending on your needs using different settings for Select and Mask or expanding/contracting your original selection.

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