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1 answer

How to create an animated WebP using WebPShop?

In the README for WebPShop (a Photoshop plugin for saving WebP files) there is mention of a method for creating animated WebP files, but the method for producing such files is not described in detail. ...
Mentalist's user avatar
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How can I convert an fbx animation into a sequance of obj files for every frame?

The game engine I'm using asks for each frame to be in its own .obj file, how can I convert an arbitraty fbx animation into that. If not possible, how can I create such sequence starting from a single ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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0 answers

Rendering Photoshop anim. with transparent background results in "missing codec" (invalid file)

I'm trying to export a Photoshop animation and can get the file with a black background but cannot export it without a background without the getting this Any help? (I did the proper exporting ...
Versailles's user avatar
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0 answers

how to convert animation to gif unity?

I have made animations in Unity2d And I would like to export them as GIF files to attach to my portfolio and I cannot find a proper way to do that. I appreciate your help. Thanks
Jabareen's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Creating gif with transparent background (used as loading animation)

As my title says my goal is to create a gif with a transparent background. I've created an animation within After Effects. Because there is no possibility to export as a gif with that kind of ...
BeatB's user avatar
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GIMP GAP - exporting frame sequence as .png with transparency

I can't find anywhere how to save my frames as .png sequence with alpha channel. Frames are semitransparent grey. I need it because then I want to convert them into .webp animation with another tool. ...
Sasha's user avatar
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1 answer

How does remove white halo on transparent GIFs? [duplicate]

When I try to export with Photoshop or use other online GIF makers, they always end up with the ugly white halo. What makes so different, and how can I replicate it in Photoshop or Adobe ...
TyrantBoy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Exporting SVG from illustrator as strokes instead of paths

I have this image, which I'm exporting as SVG with the intention of animating it: In the version I'm exporting as SVG there's no background colour, that's just there so you can see it on this post. ...
Wilf's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Can I export an animated GIF as a PNG Sequence in Photoshop?

Hey we're getting an animation made for a startup loading for a new device and the company need it as a PNG sequence... is it possible to save this out in Photoshop as a PNG sequence? Thanks!
Jade Lundie's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How to export a GIF from After Effects?

I don't want to make a PNG sequence, I just want to make a GIF directly from After Effects. Once I checked out an online tutorial there I could see the GIF option while Rendering composition. But I am ...
Kartik Verma's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Importing animated GIF into Photoshop CC

Is there any relatively painless way to import an animated GIF into Photoshop (CC 2015) and then be able to export a functioning GIF file back?
Stanley VM's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Animated GIF shows all layers instead 1 after 1

I used an existing GIF and deleted the background on all layers. I saved it again with a transparent background. The image is 150 layers. It a a growing figure (like an opening flower). From layer 78 ...
lona's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

FBX Export Plugin does not export animation layers [closed]

I'm trying to export a object with animation layers to a ascii fbx using 3ds Max (2012, 2014 or 2015). The thing is that while Maya exports the animation layers, the 3dsMax exports the layer data, ...
diego.martinez's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Can Animated GIFs be reduced in filesize by comparing regions that actually changed?

Can GIFs be optimized so that only the changed regions (pixels within certain rectangular bounds per frame) are rendered / calculated in the final filesize? This is assuming that by default - each ...
chamberlainpi's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What settings do I use to export a high-quality *.gif file?

I created a loader animation icon using the shape tool (ellipse). But when I export my animation, the circle has jagged edges and the quality isn't good. What are good settings to prevent these edges ...
bushra kanaan's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to export an animated .PDF from InDesign?

I am trying to export a .PDF from Adobe InDesign which contains some animated layers in it. But when I export it as interactive .PDF, the animations are not playing in the .PDF File. It only shows a ...
Keith Tucker's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to export quality animated gifs in photoshop

New to making animated gifs in photoshop (for loading designs). I know gifs aren't the highest quality format, but I've seen dribbble designs that look great, and they're gif format. But when I ...
aalok89's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

How can I export a flash file to a gif format without losing quality?

I'm making a series of animated gifs witch I design using adobe flash. The problem is that when I export it to the animated gif format, it pixelates losing a lot of quality. I wanted to know if ...
Javier Bello Cortés's user avatar