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Questions tagged [ligatures]

A ligature occurs where two or more characters are joined as a single glyph.

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1 answer

Is there a form of the Arabic script without ligatures?

This comes from someone interested in typography familiar with the Latin and Hebrew scripts but not much with the Arabic script. The Latin script (written or typeset) has many forms, including baroque,...
matj1's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

What is this "circled G" glyph alongside Greek text in an English book from 1765?

From Thomas Edwards' The Canons of Criticism, printed by C. Bathurst (1765) in London, in a font that (as you can see) has long-S and c-t ligatures: The text centered in this image says: of Nat. ...
Quuxplusone's user avatar
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Ligatures in unicode?

I am aware that ligatures are not characters, and that they shouldn't be included as such. I'm just wondering, however, whether some might have made their way into unicode regardless. There's ß, which ...
TheChymera's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Typesetting ij/ij in Dutch: vrijgeven or vrijgeven?

Continuing Typesetting in Dutch: Dijkstra vs. Dijkstra, how do you typeset the Dutch word for release: vrijgeven (with two separate glyphs i and j) or vrijgeven (with a ligature ij)? Do i and j in ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Font Creation - Ligatures between greek (θ) and latin vowels

I'm currently designing a custom font that includes a large number of ligatures using FontForge. While nearly all the defined ligatures function, there's one class that doesn't render as expected in ...
Revenantus's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Create font with connecting letters

Some letters in devangiri may appear on top of each other, or maybe next to each other with both of them halved. Like this: खा. This is actually a combination of 2 letters,ख and ी. I'm working with ...
Shiv's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Should an 'fi' ligature be created for and used in the case where the 'i' has an accent?

'fi' is one of the standard ligatures found in fonts where the arch of the 'f' would collide with or be too close to the dot of the 'i' But what about the situation when the 'i' has an accent in place ...
Senex's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Looking for tips on 'ca' letter combination

I'm wondering if anyone has any tips to help make this 'ca' letter combination look better. Thanks.
Ash's user avatar
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0 answers

Selecting glyphs of font based on previous and next char, aka "continuous ligatures"

I'm currently thinking of designing a new font prototype, whose specificity is to adapt each glyph based on the previous and next character. The idea is to split each glyph in two parts, "left&...
Laurent Grégoire's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Ligature glyph bearing rendered incorrectly - FontForge - OTF font

I'm trying to modify a Burmese font "Myanmar Text" using FontForge so that it displays Latin letters with Burmese ones. Everything is fine until I realise one of the ligatures (the ligature ...
Thomas's user avatar
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1 answer

Typesetting in Dutch: Dijkstra vs. Dijkstra

What is the official way to typeset the surname of EWD in Dutch? Dijkstra (i and j are two separate letters) Dijkstra (ij is one letter) (I'm not asking about English. I'm also not asking what about ...
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3 votes
2 answers

Are Th ligatures used in German typesetting?

I am new to the graphics design part of SE, my home is TeX, hence I hope this is the right place to ask this: Are Th ligatures used in the German language for typesetting? I am right now in the ...
TobiBS's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

A narrow font with coding ligatures?

I am looking for a font that provides coding ligatures, especially arrows, but which has a rather narrow appearance. Hence, could be a proportional font rather than a monospaced font. Font should be ...
Bunjip's user avatar
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How to add a contextual ligature to OpenType font, a free tool

I use Fontforge, where plain 'liga' ligatures work, but now I would like to use a contextual ligature. Fontforge does not help here, as its support for both contextual chaining and for Apple state ...
scriptfoo's user avatar
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free software supported both ligatures and color fonts

I would like to prepare educational materials for children. Exactly what I mean is charts with alphabet letters and pictures. Such boards could be printed or shown as a multimedia presentation. The ...
reti's user avatar
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I've problem on Bearing of a ligature with next letter typed after it in Unicode font

I'm new to font developing with FontForge; I'm sorry if I use any technical words incorrectly. I've created a ligature with two glyphs. When the glyphs are typed separately they maintain the spacing ...
Magical Mystery's user avatar
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Why are my Urdu fonts generated by FontForge broken?

I was editing an Urdu font with FontForge. After editing I generated fonts, but when I tested all of the characters are being displayed separately. How can I correct that? Here is an example of that: ...
Muhammad Khalil Aslam's user avatar
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How to see custom ligatures in a font file?

I'm looking at a popular programming font Fira Code that has a ton of custom ligatures, for combinations like >>= or !== that are not part of Unicode standard. If I install the font and use it ...
9000's user avatar
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Figuring out the Ligatures/Kernings of a Font

There are ways to measure text in the browser, taking into account the font size. However, you could get a performance improvement if you only measure the different characters, and then you combine ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Why does the lower case 'r' in Google Sans font change size depending on the next letter?

I recently switched to the GMail redesign where Google Sans is used for the subject text when displaying emails. I noticed that where a lower case 'r' is followed by a 't' - as in 'Start' - the 'r' ...
Tim Barclay's user avatar
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How do I create a font that automatically uses accents and removes duplicate letters?

I am working on a special font that has to follow some rules: Two consecutive duplicate letters have to be removed. For example kk would become k. Some letters are “accents” so for example when you ...
c3ypt1c's user avatar
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7 votes
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A font with custom ligatures (for music)?

I want to make a custom music font that can be typed in Microsoft Word 2010, but I cannot get custom ligatures to work. In Word 2010, I have in Font > Advanced the Ligatures option set to 'All'. I ...
Coemgenus's user avatar
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2 answers

Photoshop not recognizing ligatures in Baskerville

Baskerville supports ligatures, as you can see in this screenshot from Word: However, in Photoshop, the ligature options are greyed out when using Baskerville: I can get the ligature to display by ...
nloveladyallen's user avatar
8 votes
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Is this Dutch IJ ligature suitable and readable to native speakers?

I'm designing a display typeface and have designed, for the Dutch capital IJ digraph, a ligature that combines the "I" and "J" to form what looks like a broken "U". Here is a comparison of my "IJ" ...
Cai's user avatar
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Where can I get/buy a Futura containing all original ligatures?

I tried many futura fonts and other ones resembling it. Most of the fonts I tried did not contain proper ligatures (fi, fl, fj, ft etc.) as originally designed by Renner. Can someone tell me a font ...
Ariser's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Why some fonts have the 'f' and 'i' joined

I noticed today that when I type a word with the character pair fi in it, the f changes when the i is typed to have a longer top and the dot above the i is removed. I was wondering if this occurrence ...
Kymvaris's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

When should someone use ligatures?

What decisions and factors should be considered to determine when to use ligatures? Only in headings? Only in body? Purely by eye? I ask because about seven people looked over a poster design and ...
Ryan's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I check if some OpenType font supports ligatures?

I am using two fonts, STSong and STHeiti. I want to know if these fonts support ligatures, such as f + i becoming one character, or at least having two characters nearby. I made a ConTeXt document, ...
Village's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Do discretionary ligatures hold any other purpose than visual?

Discretionary ligatures are non-standard ligatures such as: st and ct in Atlantica LF font Are they purely visual or is there any other reasoning to back it up? Psychological? Letter-press related? (...
Jari Keinänen's user avatar