I have been using AI for 25 years, and this problem only recently presented itself: when numerically scaling an object that has a stroke, the object ends up distorted.
I’ve found that the object’s size is measured to the outside edge of the stroke, not the center of it, which is perhaps causing the problem, but I cannot find a preference or anything else that might change the setting so this doesn’t happen.
To solve the problem, I need to figure out how to set AI to measure an object to the center line of its stroke, not its outer edge. This is how it used to be, but perhaps one of the latest updates changed it (I’m currently on v27.5).
Any tips appreciated, thanks.
I hope these screen-shots will help better explain my problem. I am accustomed to using numerical scaling to reliably keep grouped technical drawings and graphic assets consistently scaled and undistorted. This issue is significantly hindering my work efficiency!
Scale Strokes & Effects
option on the Transform Panel change things?? What aboutUse Preview Bounds
in the Preferences? Is that checked? The question reads as though the strokes are merely scaling, and you don't want them to scale. If that's not the case, I'm afraid a couple rudimentary examples may help others understand.Align to Pixel Grid
perhaps? That would account for objects suddenly breaking their proportions.