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5 votes

Hyphenation of particular languages in InDesign

It is possible both to add new hyphenation rules to existing language dictionaries in InDesign and to add new language dictionaries.   Adding a language (Albanian) The exact steps you have to ...
Janus Bahs Jacquet's user avatar
3 votes

Why InDesign hyphenate English words even when the language of a paragraph is not English?

InDesign does not attempt to guess which language a given word is. The way hyphenation (and spell check) works is that you manually select a language for a text and then InDesign applies the rules for ...
Wolff's user avatar
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3 votes

Turn off ALL hyphenation in Illustrator

Open up the Paragraph Menu. Click the 3 Horizontal Lines (Menu) on the right hand side, then click on Hyphenation. Unclick the Hyphenation option. Done. Alternatively you can also set the Words Longer ...'s user avatar
2 votes

Would you prefer to break a line after a preposition or an article, or would you choose to hyphenate a word instead?

Depends upon the break. I try and avoid hyphenation which results in full words. Full incongruent words can often be more disruptive than the hyphenation itself. "demon-stration" would be an ...
Scott's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I make hyphens work with spell-check in PowerPoint?

I do not think this is possible. You are intentionally misspelling a word by inserting a manual hyphen. I understand it's logical and I'm not arguing the reasoning. I get it. But there's no way, that ...
Scott's user avatar
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2 votes

Making InDesign break all words but not hyphenate them

You can do it by using a set of find/replace functions to replace every space character with an en space, and inserting a very narrow space character between each letter, so InDesign will not see the ...
13ruce's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the best practice for hyphenation in InDesign?

Honestly when the task is too big and hyphenation becomes a task in itself, I will just completely turn off hyphenation, so not sure if this answers your dilemma, but it is my "best practice"...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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1 vote

How to prevent hyphenation in InDesign?

I figured it out. The target file has a + beside the [Basic Paragraph]+ Style. I noticed that it was set to hyphenate, for some reason. The file was obviously created that way. Even when I changed the ...
nollaf126's user avatar
1 vote

How to prevent hyphenation in InDesign?

With InDesign launched and active and no document open, uncheck the Hyphenation option on the Paragraph Panel. That will turn off Hyphenation for any new document and honor any pasted text frame ...
Scott's user avatar
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