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32 votes

Previous client wants some "small changes"

Bill them by the hour, half hour, quarter hour. If you have an ongoing relationship with them and want to "give" them this one, keep track of the time, and tack it onto another job. If this is the ...
GoofyMonkey's user avatar
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29 votes

Client buys logo but wants to buy other concepts too

Unpopular personal opinion :)) With that being said ( :)) ), let's put things into perspective, ok? You have a contract, in that contract you agreed to supply 3 concept designs out of which they ...
Alin's user avatar
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23 votes

Client buys logo but wants to buy other concepts too

Consider the upside of giving them away - (As a loss leader) For good or bad I think I break most of the "rules" of running a freelance business daily. That said, I've been running a successful ...
mayersdesign's user avatar
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23 votes

How to bill a client when budget was never discussed

Bill them your regular rate. They will either pay or they'll come back with questions. Worry about the latter only if it happens.
DA01's user avatar
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17 votes

Previous client wants some "small changes"

I have a block of 10 changes they can buy. Emphasise what a good deal it is. Otherwise point out that it's great they have the source files as now they can change them themselves free of charge! NOTE:...
SilkCharm's user avatar
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13 votes

Client buys logo but wants to buy other concepts too

Alin has the right idea here. Your contract states that the client is paying for one logo. If your client wants to pay for the other two, great! Calculate a fair discounted price for the second and ...
Lauren-Clear-Monica-Ipsum's user avatar
10 votes

How to bill a client when budget was never discussed

Bill them your regular rate and add an amount for a rush-job and mark it clearly in your invoice. Be open to explain or even negotiate, as other users have already suggested. In your question there is ...
Martin Zaske's user avatar
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9 votes

How to bill a client when budget was never discussed

Either... Bill them at a similar rate to the previous job. Assuming you and the client were both happy with that rate the last time and you would be happy with it this time then there's no reason to ...
Cai's user avatar
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8 votes

When to tell long-term client I'm retiring within the next year

I would be inclined to give them 1 edition notice. i.e. If I'm retiring in August 2020, I'd tell them when the July 2020 Edition is complete. Possibly when the invoice for the July work is sent. I'd ...
Scott's user avatar
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7 votes

Client buys logo but wants to buy other concepts too

After running my design company for over 30 years, a small additional piece of advice, for future situations like this: get yourself some terms and conditions, on paper. Make sure you show your ...
Lulu's user avatar
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5 votes

Previous client wants some "small changes"

The fact that they have the source files is a bit of a red herring. They well may have wanted those to guard against needing changes in the future, and finding you were busy, working somewhere else, ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
5 votes

How to bill a client when budget was never discussed

If they told you the budget upfront for the last job, you could try and ask them again what they were planning to spend on this new one. Or.. Compare this job with the previous and bill accordingly. ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
  • 29.6k
5 votes

Client buys logo but wants to buy other concepts too

This isn't an every-day occurance, and there is no real answer, more you need to decide how to play the situation. Do they stand to profit from the t-shirts? Are they a new client or one you need to ...
Digital Lightcraft's user avatar
5 votes

Client buys logo but wants to buy other concepts too

You have to remember that you are most probably going to keep working in the industry and it matters what quality of work you officially release as "done". So if in addition to 1 main article of work ...
user1306322's user avatar
4 votes

Client buys logo but wants to buy other concepts too

I think that you are looking at this wrong. You are considering the work you put into creating those, which was already covered by your initial contract. Your client seems to be thinking of it ...
kingfrito_5005's user avatar
4 votes

Previous client wants some "small changes"

While there is the immediate impulse to charge as recommended by others here, if you know this only takes 15 minutes, be polite. More so if your previous experience with the client was good and have ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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4 votes

Should Graphic Designers be paid for reprints of past work?

This could work, if its part of the original arrangement. I've had my share of pieces that failed to get a decent ROI as well. So, if this particular piece is so beautiful and successful, you'd like ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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2 votes

Should Graphic Designers be paid for reprints of past work?

It is better to ask these questions before starting work with a Сlient. Everything always depends on the details of each specific project including paperwork that was carried out. With typical ...
independence creations's user avatar
1 vote

When to tell long-term client I'm retiring within the next year

You have to choose, are you selling your business or just closing it down. Presume you are closing it down, estimate how much time it will take your client to find a compatible replacement for you but ...
Learned Man's user avatar
1 vote

Usage costs for logo animation intro / outro template

I have found that the usage calcs done by professional photographers helped me a lot in the past - here's a link to a resource I've used before: AOP usage fee calculator A typical dayrate for a ...
GerardFalla's user avatar
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1 vote

Client buys logo but wants to buy other concepts too

I don't know who came up with this idea of offering options, but that infected the whole market. Personally, I never offer options to my clients - be it logo, website or ad. I sit with the client ...
pivi's user avatar
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1 vote

Previous client wants some "small changes"

How many times have you had to call a utility or credit card company for adjustments to bills, and they say they will do a "one-time courtesy" adjustment? Indicate this is a one-time courtesy, ...
RufusVS's user avatar
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1 vote

Previous client wants some "small changes"

While working on a larger project for an important client, I was assigned some additional work, that was “thrown in for free” to make the sale. When the client later decided to not use my work, I ...
Andrew Dennison's user avatar
1 vote

Previous client wants some "small changes"

If you have an existing agreement which does not cover subsequent changes and this is clearly additional work rather than rectifying a fault then you don't really want to set a precedent that you ...
Chris Johns's user avatar
1 vote

Previous client wants some "small changes"

Your client has come to the realisation that doing changes even inhouse has a cost associated with it. Perhaps even that your cost is not high after all. Thing is you need to deliver to bring in money....
joojaa's user avatar
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1 vote

Previous client wants some "small changes"

If your original contract with the client clearly outlines the conditions of future edits on the original source files, bring those details to their attention. If you are indeed exempt from future ...
zeethreepio's user avatar
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