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15 votes

How to create skin retouching action

Retouching skins have so many plugins, software and even photoshop actions, some are paid and other are free, you can search for free photoshop retouching skin actions. For me and in Photoshop using ...
hsawires's user avatar
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7 votes

How to record action for automatic repeat in GIMP?

There is a fast way to accomplish your goal without creating your own script: File>Open the first image File>Open as layers the other images (this is one single action, since the file selector ...
xenoid's user avatar
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5 votes

Saving Actions from your action panel

Open the Actions Panel Window -> Actions The action needs to be saved in a folder, as you can only export a folder of actions, not the action itself. (You can call the folder the same name as ...
Welz's user avatar
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5 votes

Illustrator CS6: How to stop Action from repeating itself?

After some troubleshooting... The "repeat" appears to be due a shortcut conflict. If the Action is run by clicking the play button at the bottom of the Actions Panel, then the repeat does ...
Scott's user avatar
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4 votes

Duplicate artboard with script Illustrator CC

Yea the problem is, it's not a recordable action, and while it appears simple on the surface, there's apparently a lot to duplicating an artboard. But, you can augment the code with your needs. This ...
Silly-V's user avatar
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4 votes

Photoshop: copying multiple layers across documents without drag and drop

Highlight the layer in the Layers Panel and from the panel menu choose Duplicate Layers... You're then presented with a dialog window where you can select where to duplicate to. All any currently ...
Scott's user avatar
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3 votes

I need to create 60 unique framed mirrors for product images, looking for a way to automate

If it's not for print, you might be able to use this Image Framer jquery plugin that I've made. It basically stretches frames around practically any size image. The website (that had been down forever)...
Joonas's user avatar
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3 votes

Reproduce steps taken in Auto corrections

You can't Auto Tone, Auto Contrast and Auto Color operate off of Photoshop algorithms that asses your image and from that assessment, Photoshop applies what it has determined is “right” for the image....
Stegathesaurus's user avatar
3 votes

Illustrator: Can't record certain things for the action I'm creating

I just noticed that I've to use a different workflow to record some of the features in Illustrator (written below) which I've found reading the comments on this article
S. Goody's user avatar
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3 votes

Can you add an "undo" step in an action in Photoshop?

Yes. But it's not technically "Undo". It's a step back in history. Start your action recording and use Edit > Step Backwards after a save.... it should record that. The actual "Undo" menu item ...
Scott's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to quickly export a .jpg and .png simultaneously in Photoshop?

After doing some research I was able to develop my first Photoshop script to do the trick. This script might be a little dirty (I'm new to JavaScript). The script does the following: Ask the User for ...
wheel58m's user avatar
3 votes

Script to Create Colour Chip Layers in Photoshop

Here is a script that automatically adds a color chip for each color in an image. It makes use of indexed color's ability to create a color table and uses those colors to draw the chips. The script is ...
Wolff's user avatar
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3 votes

Inside of a "Make: New channel" action step, the Opacity reads "50". Why? (Photoshop CS5)

The spot channel or mask channel “transparency” is just a visualization property, determining how the channel is to be shown on screen, but not affecting the RGB values of your end result. In later ...
Kris Van Bael's user avatar
2 votes

How to record action for automatic repeat in GIMP?

To program repetitive tasks in GIMP, the official way is to use Script-Fu ( or Python-Fu (
Joseph Olstad's user avatar
2 votes

Photoshop Actions: Export with exact pixel size, not percentage

When you record your action, before exporting click Image > Duplicate. Rescale the duplicate using Image > Image Size. Export the duplicate using File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy). Then close the ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to select layers via relative reference (eg. "Next Layer" instead of "Layer X")?

Just use the shortcut when recording your action there Photoshop has four shortcuts for relatively, targeting visible layer. Note layers with their visibility off will be skipped. It is hard to turn ...
JJMack's user avatar
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2 votes

Batch Place Multiple Linked Files in Photoshop

This method takes a few steps – but it does accomplish what you want (I think) In Photoshop go to File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack or... In Bridge go to Tools > Photoshop > Load Files into ...
BANG's user avatar
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2 votes

Run actions without graphic interface, Illustrator

by "running the processes for displaying", I am assuming you mean you can see each step of the action being run. Well, photoshop or illustrator actions are just a shortcut way of doing repetitive ...
neondude's user avatar
2 votes

Run actions without graphic interface, Illustrator

Neither app has a "headless" version. They both rely on the GUI. However, you might want to choose the Playback Options in the Action Panel Menu and ensure the Accelerated option is ticked to make ...
Scott's user avatar
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2 votes

making an action for join and smooth anchors in illustrator

I'm placing two end point anchors on top of each other and joining them into a single smooth anchor What I feel works better is a simple menu shortcut.. If the anchors are already on top of one ...
Scott's user avatar
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2 votes

Illustrator Action : Remove a vertical line after using pathfinder tool

Save the script below as openpath.jsx or whatever with .jsx and automate it with your batch. File > Scripts > Other Scripts for (var i=0;i<app.activeDocument.pathItems.length;i++) if (app....
Naveed Abbas's user avatar
2 votes

Photoshop Automate Batch - Destination folder (use)

Depends on the type of export your Action had. If it was Save For Web, then yes, it's generally 3-4 times slower than Save As Yep, Batch uses active document extension to determine file type it's ...
Sergey Kritskiy's user avatar
2 votes

How to record specific color swatches as an action in Adobe Illustrator

The Magic Wand tool won't work as an Action in Illustrator. The magic wand tool doesn't record in an Action because it needs to be used on a specific object. So for example, if you wanted to run your ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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2 votes

How to merge layers for batch export and optimised for web

I've made a script that does almost exactly that (in terms of end result... It doesn't really merge anything). The thing is, it only supports one source folder at a time. Export document for each ...
Joonas's user avatar
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2 votes

How to achieve this filter/action shown that will give the my pictures a cinematic/lively feel in Adobe Photoshop?

You could convert the image to a Smart Object, then apply the Adobe Camera Raw filter, and adjust the Basic settings as shown here: Then go into Effects, and add a slight vignette like this:
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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2 votes

Batch action: Crop a photo to two photos

I believe the problem lies in the fact that you have one action that saves the image two times. The automatic numbering will always reflect the number of the image being processed, not the number of ...
Wolff's user avatar
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2 votes

How to automate adding different texts (names for examples) to one photo and export them as JPEG?

Make a mailmerge document that is essentially blank but position the name field so that if the certificate image were placed there the name would be aligned correctly. Make the merge, export to PDF. ...
Yorik's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I SELECT multiple artboards To duplicate them in Adobe Illustrator with action or with script?

.. can't (or won't) log in to Facebook to see video. But.. you can create new rectangles where you want them and then convert them to artboard easily. Just draw rectangles at artboard edges.. select ...
Scott's user avatar
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