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12 votes

Is it possible to change an object and automatically change all copies of that object across artboards in Illustrator?

You want to create whatever you want to be linked as a Symbol. Open the Symbols Panel, then select your object and drag it over to the Symbols Panel. Choose a "Graphic" unless you're doing this for ...
AndrewH's user avatar
  • 12.8k
9 votes

Isometric bulging grid

We can approach this problem in many ways. Using a plotting app First approach is to get hold of the original data and turn the rotation to isometric, i would use this approach. The original image is ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
8 votes

Illustrator: I need a script that manages paths based on maximum caliper diameter

This took about an hour to write, one step at a time: Handle either one single item, or a selection of items. Loop through the single path (for a simple object) or through all component paths (for a ...
Jongware's user avatar
  • 4,258
8 votes

Illustrator Script to Release All Clipping Masks & Groupings, Etc

You don't need a script to release all clipping mask in one step, just do: Select->Object->Clipping Mask Edit->Clear But it can also be done via script: app.executeMenuCommand("Clipping Masks ...
emax's user avatar
  • 497
8 votes

Looking for illustrator script to swap all objects with another

Yes, this script exists, find and replace by nvkelso. To use, make sure the pin (or object to replace with) is on top, select all to replace (including the pin) and run the script. @joojaa also made ...
Welz's user avatar
  • 10k
7 votes

I can't use clipping mask

You have to select more than one object. Both the path/shape that you want as clipping mask, and the object(s) you want to mask. The mask path/shape must be the top object in the layer.
H.W. Sanden's user avatar
5 votes

Distribute objects optimaly

While this is indeed a undecided problem that does not mean you can not do a solver that is somewhat good, albeit not optimal. There is a nifty tool called: SVGNest, you can use it online here That ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
5 votes

Export objects to separate files in Illustrator

Yes, there is a way to do this! It is somewhat of a workaround but this is the best option I have found and I use it regularly. If you are using a version of Illustrator that has the "Asset Export" ...
Jaki Hale's user avatar
5 votes

How batch rename artboards in Adobe illustrator?

This works (save as .jsx in your script folder) function artBoardName_serial() { var doc = app.activeDocument; for (var i = 0, l = doc.artboards.length; i < l; i++) { ...
GoodJobStudios's user avatar
5 votes

Script for random movement (scatter)

Here is a implementation of uniform box scatter scatter_box(activeDocument.selection, 100, 100); function scatter_box(items, xoffset, yoffset){ for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++){ var ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
4 votes

How can I get a count of the amount of colors used in an Illustrator document?

Here's where to find the current color count: I finally found out where to view the total colors used in Illustrator and wanted to share it in case someone else can use it. In Illustrator go to Edit ...
Kev's user avatar
  • 71
4 votes

Toggle visibility for sublayers in AI

Considering that you are working with groups (and not nested layers), the below script will toggle the “hidden” attribute of groups within layers (and nested layers): // jshint -W118 // globals app /...
mhulse's user avatar
  • 546
4 votes

Illustrator Script to Release All Clipping Masks & Groupings, Etc

Here you go (this is not super thoroughly tested if it has a bug let me know abd i will support you): #target illustrator // releaseEverything.jsx // // Copyright (c) 2017 Janne Ojala // // Licence:...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
4 votes

Illustrator: align objects by anchor point

The easiest way to do it in my opinion is illustrated below. Take your original shapes, and add those lines to it. Draw a box, centred about that line. Make sure it's wider than the original shape. ...
mrchaarlie's user avatar
4 votes

Automating filling text values in Illustrator from an external file

Yes, naturally. Nearly all (serious) applications have a programming interface. Illustrator does, as does excel. Not only can you reasonably easily make illustrator read external files. You can make ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
4 votes

Keyboard Shortcut to Change Stroke Weight?

I had to make some Actions to do it. Before starting recording, fill the path with a pattern(this is necessary just to record the action). This is important to enable the Transform objects in the ...
LeoNas's user avatar
  • 2,485
4 votes

Saving many artboards as eps without the artboards' border

The point of the "Artboards" option (when exporting/save as) is to tell the doc not to use the border of the artwork, rather it should use the border of the artboard. There is a script which may work ...
Welz's user avatar
  • 10k
4 votes

Corner pointing arrow grid

There's a great script - Rotate Toward Point by Hiroyuki Sato. The script rotates the objects in the selection toward the center of the foreground object. Make sure to place the "selected" object (...
Welz's user avatar
  • 10k
4 votes

Is there a way to do a find/replace on artboard names?

Design Phoenix made an awesome script, I modified the script so that you get a prompt and enter in the values right in Illustrator Script below: #target illustrator var doc = app.activeDocument; ...
Welz's user avatar
  • 10k
4 votes

Any way to automatically find and save any .ai file as .svg?

SZCZERZO KŁY brought up a great idea, however, I want to add to it. Why do you even need to convert it to .svg? If Amazon counts any .svg extension file as an image, why not just use a command to ...
Welz's user avatar
  • 10k
3 votes

How to create an array of circles within a circle?

Particle System My approach would be using a particle generator. But the only ones I know are for 3D images. So I would use Blender, where you can define the number of particles. As you need to change ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 38k
3 votes

Logarithmic Spacing in Illustrator

#target illustrator function log10(val) { return Math.log(val) / Math.LN10; } docRef=app.activeDocument; for (var i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { var pointTextRef = docRef.textFrames.add(); ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
3 votes

How to rotate all items as a group? (In a script, Illustrator)

Quick primer into computer graphics programming. Whenever you are trying to do a compound transform it is best to compose the transform onto a matrix operation. Mainly because you can specify a ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
3 votes

Script to get x,y positions from a path in a vector image

The usual object type for a graph in vector graphic is a path (called pathItem in the Illustrator JavaScript API). It could be one joined ragged line, a smooth bezier curve and sometimes separate ...
Wolff's user avatar
  • 21.3k
3 votes

I can't use clipping mask

tl;dr: To solve your problem, all you need to do is leave Isolation Mode, and then re-try to select both objects and apply the Clipping Mask. As H.W. Sanden says, you need to select both objects. ...
Vincent's user avatar
  • 25.4k
3 votes

How batch rename artboards in Adobe illustrator?

Building on GoodJobStudios's code from the accepted answer, this script will give the user find-and-replace prompts. Save as .jsx, open your Illustrator file, and run script from File -> Scripts -&...
franklylately's user avatar
3 votes

Script to place a circle on the center of of all my strokes

For a line the following holds true (but not many other shapes). Center of bounding box is equal to center of line. Now if we simply modify this script: #target illustrator var doc = app....
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k

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