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8 votes

What role do yearly published logo "trends" play into the process of creating a logo?

None, beyond possible sources of inspiration or "what to avoid" lists. All those "trend" articles are written by one person expressing their opinion. (Different person for each article). They are no ...
Scott's user avatar
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5 votes

What role do yearly published logo "trends" play into the process of creating a logo?

I've been approached a number of times by clients who've trawled through such lists for their initial ideas, and although it can cause some interesting frustrations in expectations and communication ...
GerardFalla's user avatar
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4 votes

How to illustrate user friendliness in an icon?

Sometimes the most obvious icon will work best, but if you need some alternatives, head over to the Noun Project (no affiliation) and type any of the below in the search box. I am not listing specific ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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2 votes

Where can I find GIF inspiration about a certain subject (find us page)?

I don't know what kind of GIF your boss wants. But you can always search for trends on popular designer's sites like dribbble. Honestly you have to do the research yourself, Google is your friend. ...
Luciano's user avatar
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How to I achieve this look

It would really depend on the starting image. Different images and lighting would require different approaches. However in general, the way I'd go about it in Photoshop is to use a reduced opacity ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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1 vote

Can you recommend design inspiration for business graphics/presentations?

When I want to study and replicate the latest best slide decks I search for things like "best slide presentations" "beautiful slide" "business presentations of 2017" "amazing slide deck" etc. in ...
Webster's user avatar
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Ways to practice design as a student without a subject or project

I want to practice designing UI for games but how do I design a UI for something that doesn't exist? How about a UI for something that does exist? There are several games in early access that are ...
Yisela's user avatar
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Where can I get regular webdesign exercise tasks?

Assuming you want to have current web design skills, you could complete courses online and be able to list those on your existing website. There are many places with online courses. Example: MIT ...
Jeff in Palm Beach's user avatar

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