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  • Member for 8 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
19 votes

Illustrator Isometric scaling

14 votes

How do I equally space the pieces of a split shape in Illustrator?

13 votes

How to ensure international logo can be ethnically neutral enough so it won’t be offensive?

12 votes

Why can I not use the brush tool to paint my object?

12 votes

Random pattern generation in Illustrator

11 votes

Connect a circle and a line together

11 votes

How do I create this 3D half-pipe look

10 votes

How to create specific spiral/swirl effect

10 votes

Select empty space and change color in vector

9 votes

How do I make a favicon?

8 votes

How to make rounded corners from shapes drawn with lines?

8 votes

Join two paths with a border

8 votes

logo for a web developer - Logo critique

8 votes

Looking for illustrator script to swap all objects with another

8 votes

Why Is Image Exporting At Larger Dimensions Than In Illustrator File?

7 votes

Adobe Illustrator cursor is a pencil beside a circle with line through, how to remove that?

7 votes

I cannot see the bounding box in Illustrator

7 votes

How does web developer make use of Adobe XD?

7 votes

How can I randomly color paths?

7 votes

Doing website for a client but logo is not good quality

7 votes

Creating slanted dashed line in Illustrator

7 votes

how to add different colors to multiple segments in a circle

7 votes

Pen tool jumping and not drawing accurately

6 votes

Smart guides aren't smart

6 votes

Illustrator - How to change the color of the line between two anchor points

6 votes

Convert shapes and lines into a single outline

6 votes

Photoshop shortcut for File, Save As, Format: PNG or JPG, Save, OK

6 votes

Save an Image as SVG From Photoshop

6 votes

What is the sans serif font used by the Neurological Foundation of NZ logo?

6 votes

When clicking on one of the active (selected) objects in Illustrator, its bounding box gets bolder. Why?

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