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8 votes

Adobe Fireworks - the best replacement?

I use Affinity Designer as a replacement for Fireworks. I also use Graphic by Picta which is pretty good too, but vector only.
Craig Pickering's user avatar
6 votes

Adobe Fireworks - the best replacement?

Keep using FW CS5 if it works for you. I can only assume you are seeking a replacement because Apple's latest OSs will not run CS5 applications. No one EVER states you need the "latest and greatest"...
Scott's user avatar
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3 votes

Adobe Fireworks - the best replacement?

Photoshop can do this as well, and with the benefit of actions, some parts of this repeating workflow could be automated, possibly reducing your 3-4 hours a day. For a simple interface the latest ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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3 votes

How to draw roads?

One option (without seeing the video) is: Make two layers. In the superior layer put the white part of the road, let's say you use a width of 1mm. Copy the layer and put it below the previous one ...
Rafael's user avatar
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3 votes

How to turn a path with straight lines into a curved path automatically in Illustrator?

Select the path that you want to convert and with the direct selection tool and the shift key pressed, exclude one point. Some new buttons appear under the menu, one of them is to convert selected ...
egon's user avatar
  • 39
2 votes

Fireworks slices creates streaks in browser

ok, the problem lies in the generated html. I cannot diagnose exactly, but I suspect it has generated a big table with nested tables with all this OR lots of relatively positioned divs. posting the ...
spiral's user avatar
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Having issue displaying a Digital-7 font

You need to use the mono version, which has fixed glyph widths and will fit as you expect. The regular version of the font has proportional glyph widths so you aren't getting the space around the "1". ...
Cai's user avatar
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2 votes

Shrink (not compress) a PDF file using free software

You can use ghostscript (if you are not afraid of the commandline). This answer presented the basic command: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFitPage -dFIXEDMEDIA -sPAPERSIZE=a4 \ -o fixed.pdf \ ...
Socowi's user avatar
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2 votes

Does Affinity Designer have this "distort" tool?

Yes and it's available in Warp Group option: Layer > Warp Group > Perspective (Layers window also has same option and it can be selected by clicking Warp Group icon). Simply select the text ...
Vikas's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I separate this image into two separate vectors?

Redrawing the curves, tracing the artwork, would be the easiest method in my opinion. It's been a looooooooong time since I had a system which could run CS5 apps, let alone since I used Fireworks. ...
Scott's user avatar
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1 vote

How to change objects at the same time in fireworks?

What you are looking for is Convert to symbol feature. Right click on the desired shape or a selection of multiple shapes > Convert to symbol. Then make a copy of the symbol. Double click on any copy ...
Slava's user avatar
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1 vote

Export bitmaps from Fireworks

I know it's way too late to answer Serge, but I wanted to do the same, and the only way was to move each bitmap to a new layer. Fortunately there's a less painful way (still painful). On Layer window ...
Vander Leal's user avatar
1 vote

Can the star tool in fireworks be used to create this star?

The Star Tool is practically any application will assist in drawing a star shape. As far as I'm aware, none of the Adobe applications have the built in ability to ad dimensioning to the shape of a ...
Scott's user avatar
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1 vote

Fireworks fullscreen mode not working

If, as you say, the software was working yesterday, then perhaps a recent Windows update broke it. Here are some things to try before "ditching it". Have you tried restarting the computer, and the ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
1 vote

Find out opacity and color value of a semi transparent PNG?

From In Photoshop's Info panel, you can choose 'Opacity' as a readout mode, ...
Ted Bigham's user avatar

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