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7 votes

Doing website for a client but logo is not good quality

You seem to have been given the raster version of the logo. Tell them you need the vector version. The most common type of vector file type for websites is .svg Some other common vector file types ...
Welz's user avatar
  • 10k
5 votes

Is Canva "true" graphic design?

This question is rather opinion based, but here's mine... If you're making decisions about how something looks (images, text size, colour, etc, etc) then you are designing it. So using template based ...
Westside's user avatar
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3 votes

Is Canva "true" graphic design?

I have never used that App. In fact It is very unlikely I'll ever use a phone or tablet to make "Graphic Design". But also, doing something in Photoshop, Illustrator or Corel does not mean the ...
Rafael's user avatar
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3 votes

Gradient between two custom colours on canva?

2 elements can be used here: Under elements search "Gradient that fades to transparency". You'll be able to add 2 colors. If you don't want it to fade to transparency, just put an extra ...
JTay's user avatar
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1 vote

Gradient between two custom colours on canva?

Under Elements, there's a gradient element that allows you to choose both color options.
Circle B's user avatar
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1 vote

How to do knockout text effect in canva?

I've never used Canva but a quick search shows there's some rudimentary form of it using what appears to be shapes. Type in "Photoholder" and you'll get some options. Scroll down and you can find ...
Ryan's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to slightly reduce my PNG file size without much loss? Easiest way to optimize perhaps?

Some thoughts. I have no idea what that software does. There are some hundreds of different compression methods for PNG, but normally they do not compress a file much better than the other. The ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 38k

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