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6 votes

In Inkscape, can I link to a pdf/svg instead of embedding its content?

Linking to external SVG files (but apparently not pdf files) will be possible with Inkscape 1.0 (Release notes). In Inkscape it will still be converted to a raster image, but you can set the DPI on ...
Corvince's user avatar
5 votes

Import inline SVG inside Sketch

There's no native way to do this in Sketch. So plugins to the rescue! The SVG-Insert Sketch plugin is exactly what you need to get the job done.
spjpgrd's user avatar
  • 801
5 votes

Importing a vector file into Photoshop WITHOUT rasterising it

Photoshop can import an SVG file as a "smart object". Although you will not be able to edit the curves so to speak (Photoshop is not a vector editing program...Illustrator is) the image will not be ...
mayersdesign's user avatar
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5 votes

Inkscape Fonts Differences Internal vs. Poppler Import

'Poppler/Cairo import' basically converts all text to paths while 'Internal import' keeps it as text objects. The reason they seem to have different thickness is probably because of 'hinting' which is ...
Xrott's user avatar
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4 votes

In Inkscape, can I link to a pdf/svg instead of embedding its content?

You can link an Inkscape SVG inside another Inkscape SVG such that the linked file auto-updates in all files using it, like a linked raster image would. This is accomplished using the <image /> ...
lost-and-found's user avatar
3 votes

Export from InDesign for Scribus

Scribus 1.4.x (the one mentioned in the wiki article you're linking) has no way to exchange content with InDesign (in the way you're aiming to). Scribus 1.6 (the next future stable version) will have ...
a.l.e's user avatar
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3 votes

Indesign: exporting multiple certificates, each with a different name, into separate files

You need to start with InDesign's Data Merge feature where you import the list of names from a CSV file, overlay these onto you certificate design and automatically generate a document with 1000+ ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
  • 29.6k
3 votes

How can I import multi-page AI files or PDFs to InDesign CS5.5?

Place the file as usual with File > Place... (Cmd / Ctrl+D), but before clicking 'Open', check the 'Show Import Options' box. That way, you will have the options to choose the page / artboard you want ...
Vincent's user avatar
  • 25.4k
3 votes

Importing a vector file into Photoshop WITHOUT rasterising it

Simply put: Photoshop is not a vector editor. Photoshop merely has some vector editing capabilities in it's raster code base but is not designed to be a full-fledged vector editing application. If ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 212k
3 votes

Import svg file in Inkscape

I checked the size in Inkscape. It is the page size which is 22px x 22px, but the object itself is only 10px x 14px. When you import the image into Inkscape, that is in fact the correct size. ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
3 votes

When importing this simple SVG into Photoshop it doesn't show anything, why?

It's missing the </svg> closing tag. Chrome is more forgiving than a graphics editor...
AlekseiKostikov's user avatar
3 votes

Raster image opens in smaller dimensions in Adobe Illustrator

It's because the image is set to 300dpi. I can see it in the image properties you posted. It's easy to fix. Open the raster image in Photoshop, do Image > Image Size, then change the resolution to ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
3 votes

Inkscape: subtract and export SVG for printed circuit board

Only guesses because a proper tested answer is possible only after having the problematic files or at least knowing details of their structures. A guess: Error 1: Your pattern has only open paths. ...
kexxgem's user avatar
  • 406
2 votes

Damaged path importing from PDF to Illustrator

Solved. It was a glitch in the GPU preview, as suggested by Joonas I just had to select: View > Preview on CPU. Thanks.
robert's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

How to blend an imported image with my custom Incscape file?

Inkscape can change the fill and stroke of a vector graphic. If you want, you can trace the imported bitmap and change fill and stroke of the resulting vector.
Paolo Gibellini's user avatar
2 votes

Illustrator- cannot warp embedded image

for a quick fix separate your spot image into 4 separate greyscale.psd images then place in illustrator and apply the spot colour to each grayscale image. Then embed them and warp to your top object.
Ian Shaw's user avatar
2 votes

Inserting vectors into a PSD

File → Place... in Photoshop... or Copy and Paste from the vector's native application... or drag and drop the file from your OS's file browser... Place files in Photoshop - Adobe Support
Cai's user avatar
  • 40.8k
2 votes

How do I batch import multiple images as individual layers in Krita?

To import multiple images as individual layers in Krita (4.0) you can use Layer > Import/Export > Import layer and then in the file chooser dialog box, select multiple images and then press ...
raghavendra Kamath's user avatar
2 votes

Illustrator loses stroke/fill information on opening pdf

Found a solution on my own: For some reason the PDF contained a clipping mask covering the entire page. Releasing everything from the clipping mask (Select frame, right click, in context menu click "...
cetequ's user avatar
  • 306
2 votes

Importing Acrobat file into Indesign and retaining comment highlights and text

I can think of 2 options 1) Open the PDF in Acrobat. Choose Preflight and search "flatten". Choose "Flatten annotations and form fields" and click "Analyze and fix". You will be asked to save a new ...
AndrewH's user avatar
  • 12.8k
2 votes

Import InDesign character and paragraph styles into LibreOffice

I don't think there's a direct path from INDD style to anything else, even other Adobe products. They are essentially embedded within the INDD document. You might have better luck with the XML from ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 212k
2 votes

Import InDesign character and paragraph styles into LibreOffice

Huh... recreate an Indd document with another software?! "Headache is coming" :-) That said, you can export Indd stories in RTF format, which carries styles. Not sure about which properties will be ...
Vinny's user avatar
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2 votes

Import many independent PDF files to Photoshop

File > Scripts > Load files into Stack.. Select the files or a folder containing the files and sit back and wait... Photoshop will open each PDF, copy it, and combine them all into a single ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 212k
2 votes

Imported PNG images in Gimp aren't transparent

You very likely imported a non-transparent PNG. How did you obtain the PNG? There are web image sites that deliver a non-transparent PNG unless you pay (or where the sample is non transparent, with ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 17.8k
2 votes

Import to Blender .svg file created by Inkscape 1.22 for Macintosh Ventura OS -> Blender says it’s empty

The image is too complex for a good auto trace in Inkscape. The blurs and gradients won't trace well. If you try to do a colour scan, then it will also probably end up too complex for Blender, which ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
1 vote

Are there alternative suites or combinations of apps to Adobe CC that can work dynamically together?

Well, there is nothing obscure about Corel apps... They are not apps, they are applications, and yes they have a good amount of integration. Some examples are that CorelDraw has adjustments and ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 38k
1 vote

Gimp wrongly adding alpha to imported png

The problem is with the PNG, not GIMP. The PNG file is in Indexed colour mode. In Indexed colour mode in GIMP, there are only two levels of transparency - either fully opaque or fully transparent. ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k

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