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10 votes

How to censor individual words in a long text paragraph without catching attention to them?

Replace the word to censor with an equal length innocuous word. For example, many websites will censor words like "kill" or "fxxx" and substitute "hugs". Or substitute &...
Scott's user avatar
  • 212k
9 votes

How do I feather a mask in Sketch?

You can get a feathering effect in some cases using alpha masking. However, this doesn't allow you to feather complex (or some simple) shapes in an easy way. Alpha masking allows you to mask using an ...
Alex Magill's user avatar
8 votes

Why Gaussian blur in Illustrator fades into gray?

Anti-Aliasing in a CMYK document. Using a 100% K black background... Using a Rich Black background... Working in RGB.... CMYK documents have some limitations. Some of the raster options which rely ...
Scott's user avatar
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7 votes

How do I feather a mask in Sketch?

The original question was a good one, with a concrete example which is displayed on the sketch help page for Masking, and @Alex Magill's answer is helpful, (though the video is no longer available). ...
ptim's user avatar
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7 votes

Resolving blurred scanner compact disc album artwork

The proper way to do this if you want quality scans is to remove the paper from the plastic and scan the paper, not the jewel case. You can pry open the jewel case base to get the sleeve out, just be ...
Scott's user avatar
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7 votes

Blur effect in a logo? A NO or a GO?

Your inclinations seem correct to me, but I find if very challenging to be definitive without seeing images. There are use cases where branding adapts - off the top of my head Apple comes to mind. It'...
Scott's user avatar
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6 votes

Adobe Photoshop method to give results equivalent to 'Background Blur' in Adobe XD

Here's one simple method. There may be others . . . Create a copy of the background layer, and apply some Gaussian blur to it. Use the elliptical selection tool to make a circle, then add it as a ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
5 votes

Photoshop wrap around edges blur

Duplicate your original image into a new layer. Add guides to edges of original image. Enlarge your canvas by 200%. Duplicate the image to all eight neighboring sides to make seamless tiling. Apply ...
M -'s user avatar
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5 votes

Gaussian blur leaves hard edges in GIMP

What you have is "banding". This happens when you don't get a transition between areas of similar colors. A tell-tale sign is that the histogram look like a hair comb: Very often this is due to color ...
xenoid's user avatar
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5 votes

How to represent blurry artwork with vectors (Illustrator or SVG)?

Let me explore the topic a bit. The shape If we are attempting to do this with vector shapes, the shape itself must be right. It is easy to have deformed or disproportional shapes. One way to prepare ...
Rafael's user avatar
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4 votes

Illustrator: fuzzy looking icons when exporting to PNG

One method you could use is to employ Photoshop to rescale the 64 x 64 pixel icon. If you use the "bicubic sharper" method when resampling, the results will look just a touch sharper and more detail ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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4 votes

Applying blur amount in a gradient manner in Photoshop

In newer versions of Photoshop, such as 22.4, there is finally a proper solution: Filter > Blur Gallery > Tilt-Shift Drag the center to the pointy part of the pin Rotate the effect to match the ...
Matija Erceg's user avatar
4 votes

Batch convert portrait photo to landscape with blurred, extended background - Windows utility needed (NOT Photoshop)

@Metasomatism: Your comment lead me to the solution. If you change that to an answer I'll gladly accept it. The command that does the trick is for /f "delims=?" %f in ('dir *.jpg /b') do convert -...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 151
4 votes

Reset radial blur to center

Hold down ⌘ and the Cancel button will change to Default. Click Default
Manly's user avatar
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4 votes

How to represent blurry artwork with vectors (Illustrator or SVG)?

There is no good solution. I mean you can force a solutuon but it will never be a good solution since the standard does not give you any tools for this. The filters were supposed to be enough for you. ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
3 votes

How to make an acrylic blur using gaussian blur in Affinity Designer

Edit: I answered this for Photoshop before realising that the OP had asked for Affinity Designer. I'll leave this answer in any case, since it might be useful to someone. As far as I have been able ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
3 votes

How to censor individual words in a long text paragraph without catching attention to them?

Just blur it out or cover it with black boxes. If the actual text isn't important, it's not something you've written, and it'll only be visible briefly, why not just cover it with a blur or a black ...
nick012000's user avatar
3 votes

How to censor individual words in a long text paragraph without catching attention to them?

Instead of the typical black box for censoring, use a gray that is roughly equal to the visual weight/value of the word.
Circle B's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create linear falloff for line I drew?

In order to avoid the stripes, I suggest the following: Create the map in really high resolution 4000x4000 or even more. Apply a little gausian blur when it's done to smooth it more. In brush ...
Komental's user avatar
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3 votes

Blur Only Part of Line / Edge in Illustrator

You could do this in Illustrator, however I feel it would be far easier in Photoshop. Anyway, one possibility would be to group everything, and make a blurred copy of the artwork. Then make a black ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
3 votes

tutorial to "motion blur" people on background

I very much doubt that was done in post. It's probably done live in-camera, & took 10 attempts at getting the main subject to stay still enough. You could perhaps fake it in post, but you'd be ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create 3d metallic man in inkscape?

Although you could recreate something like this in Inkscape manually, I think it would be better to use 3D modelling software such as Blender. I strongly suspect that is how the original was made. If ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
2 votes

Reducing blur via GIMP command line

For simple sharpening, ImageMagick has a -sharpen operator: convert foobar.jpg -sharpen 0x1.0 foobar-sharpened.jpg As usual with ImageMagick, this can of course be part of a more complex processing....
xenoid's user avatar
  • 17.8k
2 votes

Can I apply Field Blur safely without making a duplicate layer?

Yes. Select the layers you want to blur. And click Filter > Convert for Smart Filters. This moves all the layers you selected to a new Smart Object. Click Filter > Blur Gallery > Field Blur. The ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
2 votes

Area around text & objects looks pixelated after saving

500x420 is the only thing that matters. PPI has no effect on the image in this case because its completely dominated by pixel count. Pixelation (AKA aliasing) is just because you've zoomed in too much....
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
2 votes

Achieve a tilt-shiftesque effect in Illustrator

You need to duplicate the layers and apply different levels of blur to them. Then you mask each layer accordingly. It is not because there is no easy productivity tools that you can't achieve such a ...
猫IT's user avatar
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