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4 votes

Photoshop: converting to a one-colour image w/ transparent background

Convert your document to grayscale. Press Ctrl / Cmd + A to select all. Press Ctrl / Cmd + C to copy the image to clipboard. Convert your document back to RGB (or CMYK if you prefer). Make a solid ...
Wolff's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I resize pixel art to keep black pixels

So you want to resample a black and white image with a round-off bias. You can easily do that by scaling the image as grayscale (This will introduce grey pixels at edges). To round it off to black or ...
Kris Van Bael's user avatar
2 votes

What is duochrome/duotone called when it had more than 2 colors?

There is a slight confusion here. A tone is not the same as a color. You can have a print on white paper using only black ink. You can have in the image black, white, light gray, dark gray, etc. ...
Rafael's user avatar
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2 votes

How to I achieve an all-white image that blends into the background?

Highlight the image layer Choose Image > Adjustments > Invert from the menu Change the layer Blending mode to Screen
Scott's user avatar
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2 votes

Prepare image as overlay

The problem here is that multiplying or overlaying colours onto a greyscale image kills the highlights. In reality, highlights tend towards white regardless of the colour of the object while ...
Westside's user avatar
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2 votes

Monochrome image resize, goes to grayscale?

Black and white is traditionally not a duotone. It's one color - black. White is really never seen as a color. On a press white doesn't exist, except in very special circumstances. If you want white ...
Scott's user avatar
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1 vote

How to embed an image in a PDF such that it is greyscale?

Gray is not the same as gray... You are only delivering unsaturated images. But that does not really matter. The point should be on your step Export as PDF from Scribus The settings you ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 38k
1 vote

Convert image to monochrome image with details

You could get a very rough approximation using 'Find Edges' in Photoshop, then inverting the result & desaturating. Strip out the white background first, if it's not already on its own layer. [...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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1 vote

Convert image to monochrome image with details

Illustrator. There is no automatic 'conversion' for this, you need to redraw each and every line by hand or have somebody else do it for you. See this video for a basic idea of what needs to be done: ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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1 vote

Convert a vector logo into a Monochrome Bitmap in illustrator

I assume you want to create icons of the image. Vector are not pixels however if you want to achieve this below, here it is. 128px 32px 128x32 is not possible with many loss because it is a square, ...
Codebeat's user avatar
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