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12 votes

How to get rid of rounded edges in Inkskape?

Inkscape remembers the last settings used, and when you create a rectangle its corners have the same properties of the last rectangles you made. You can get rid of the angles in several ways. Three ...
Paolo Gibellini's user avatar
11 votes

How do I get rounded edges on a football shape in Inkscape?

Inkscape 1.2.x has a Corners Live Path effect, which is quite similar to the Rounded Corners widget in Adobe Illustrator. It's a nice feature, and is non-destructive, which means you can go back and ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
9 votes

Why does material design recommend a 2dp border radius for buttons?

The answer to your question lies in the psychological concept called Contour Bias as illustrated in the book Universal Principles of Design. As the book quotes: Objects with pointed features ...
ikartik90's user avatar
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7 votes

Complex Rounded Corners in Ai or Sketch

Any AI version Draw a circle Object > Path > Add Anchor Points Select the 4 original anchors on the circle Double-click the Scale Tool and enter a value less than 100%. Roughly 90-95% will provide ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 212k
7 votes

Can I combine rounded and sharp corners in the same design?

There are no rules. If it looks right, it's acceptable.
Digital Lightcraft's user avatar
6 votes

Round corners (fillet) in Illustrator CS6

The others have given an answer that works by eyeballing and plugin. I will give 2 answers that work by measurement. The other one uses a script the other is manual. By Script There is a wonderfully ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
6 votes

How do I get rid of this pointy corner in Illustrator?

Sometimes this happens because you have 2 points juxtaposed on top of each other. The system sees them as slightly offset, move the errant point away and delete it. Image 1: Sometimes you have 2 ...
joojaa's user avatar
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6 votes

Round only three corners of a rectangle in Illustrator CS6

You can also use this nice script; Round Any Corner by Hiroyuki Sato, you can download their entire package of useful scripts from their website. Using the Direct Selection Tool (A) select the ...
Welz's user avatar
  • 10k
5 votes

Adobe Illustrator: How to work with letter shapes

Your letter has to be converted to outlines. Select and Right click your text box and hit Convert to outlines or Shift+Ctrl/Command+O You may have to use the Direct Selection Tool (A) Or holding ...
Welz's user avatar
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5 votes

Inkscape Bounding Box crops Stroke Paint

You need to increase the mitre value of the stroke. Increase it until you form the correct mitre join. Note that if you squish objects by distorting them, you will change the angle of the corner ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
4 votes

Inverse round corners with Inkscape

Use the Bézier tool Shift+F6 to draw a closed path as in the example shown below You can hold down CTRL as you use the tool to constrain the angles at the corners to 45 degrees, and for right angles ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
4 votes

How do I get rounded edges on a football shape in Inkscape?

I figured out a way the moment I asked this. I used a rounded stroke and converted the stroke to a path. So easy and obvious. I'm not sure why that took so long.
leighton's user avatar
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4 votes

Round the corners without changing the stroke's width?

The path in the left has only sharp corners. Its duplicate in the right has got path effect "corners". Every corner gets the same radius, but the corners can be adjusted with the node tool ...
user6922992's user avatar
3 votes

How do I get rid of this pointy corner in Illustrator?

That looks like a stroke setting. You want rounded joins. This will take off the point that you need though. Make sure the path is complete at the weird corner and make only that node round join.
Webster's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I get rid of this pointy corner in Illustrator?

I think there must be some issue with how you drew this in the first place... I've just recreated this exact shape and what you're seeing ought not be happening in this case. Here's how I went about ...
BANG's user avatar
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3 votes

Easily round corners in After Effects

There is a triangle button in the upper right corner under "shape contents" - it says "add".
Daniel Ashman's user avatar
3 votes

How to add internal fillets in hand drawn shapes in masses?

It would drive me crazy if I had to alter each corner manually. So... I'd use a more global method.... Expand Strokes (Object > Expand / Copy only outer compound rectangle for later use) Merge shapes ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 212k
2 votes

Illustrator: how to create a triangle with one round corner

In the comments you mentioned that it was a "Illustrator trial version activated a few hours ago", which would be Illustrator CC 2017.1. In this version what you were doing (dragging one widget) was ...
Matthew Sundberg's user avatar
2 votes

Round corners (fillet) in Illustrator CS6

The easiest way would be to just plot out where you want the start and end of your rounding to be with guides. Then using the add anchor point, +, and remove anchor point, -, tools. Once you add ...
Stegathesaurus's user avatar
2 votes

Round corners (fillet) in Illustrator CS6

There's no easy way to do this nativley in Illustrator CS6. (In the last couple of CC editions Adobe implemented a tool called Live corners which does it) If you just used the Rounded Corner effect, ...
Welz's user avatar
  • 10k
2 votes

Adobe Illustrator: How to work with letter shapes

If you take the Text and outline it. You can then select the text and hold the "CTRL" button to view the like corners. This should help you to do whatever it is you are looking to do with the text. ...
John Burgess's user avatar
2 votes

Can I combine rounded and sharp corners in the same design?

You can do whatever you want, but a better UX is to drag the straight line shapes all the way to the edge of the screen and keep buttons and such rounded. This will create a better separation between ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
  • 29.6k
2 votes

Corner effect when using different lines for creating an Inkscape figure

It looks like you have two separate paths, which are not joined. You must join them if you want a mitre join at the corner. You can do one of the following Join the lines at the corner by selecting ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 89.5k
2 votes

Illustrator: How do I fix this inner corner issue with my custom pattern brush?

Pattern Brush corner creation can be a long, detailed process (as well as frustrating). I can't offer any specific steps for your specific artwork without having access to the artwork itself. However, ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 212k
2 votes

Bézier curve tool: look different when open in browser

Looks like you have a very short bezier-curve handle right on top of the node, which may be causing some visual glitches, possibly because of precision errors. Try Ctrl-clicking the round handle on ...
Xrott's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I combine rounded and sharp corners in the same design?

UX approach is something that is generally skipped past when making a design decision and on a large scale, this certain area is the actual game changer. It's still in debate if either two different ...
Mohammad Arslan ud Din's user avatar
1 vote

Can I combine rounded and sharp corners in the same design?

From a basic UX perspective, yes. The logic checks out within the context that's been provided: I have two components. The two components are different. I should style them differently so a user ...
sojmoore's user avatar
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