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4 votes

What are images of objects with dimensions shown called?

It seems like you are looking for Orthographic drawings/projections. You can always photoshop a picture of a human and it's height besides the images. I don't think you will find an archive of ...
Sensoray's user avatar
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How to add highlights on a product photo?

This kind of thing is tricky, because there are no district shapes in the image for filters and selections to get hold of, so if you don't already have separate elements for the shapes and details in ...
Westside's user avatar
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Is the Bluetooth logo a registered symbol?

Yes. It is a "registered symbol". However.... The Bluetooth symbol is specifically designed to be included on product packaging and marketing materials in order to indicate to the consumer that the ...
Scott's user avatar
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Should an organization have more than one design system?

Not sure I understand... every medium will have it's own general rules or guidelines, but all should fall under the umbrella of brand guidelines. Brand guidelines typically encompass the broad scope ...
Scott's user avatar
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What elements should be changed to make the logo and product label look more professional?

I would say the font might feel cheap because it's not very unique. It look like generic font from "back in the day" that was OCR'ed for modern use. Apart from R there is nothing unique ...
SZCZERZO KŁY's user avatar
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First steps in learning to create 3D models to use in mockups?

First you really need to decide wether you want product design or mockup. Simply because there are two separate technology bases in 3D. Document Content Creation (DCC) applications are designed for ...
joojaa's user avatar
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What are some better graphical designing software for drawing a product?

As your description references a box, which is a three dimensional object, it is practical to consider to use software which assists/implements three dimensional object design. Depending on your ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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What are images of objects with dimensions shown called?

For the guy a search for silhouette drawings people would do. For the tables dimensions side view would be a description that an architect would use.
AAGD's user avatar
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What are images of objects with dimensions shown called?

Perhaps you are searching for something like this: Either way, you should use the search terms: ...
Felipe Correa's user avatar

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