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43 votes

What exactly makes this logo a design failure such that viewers cannot decipher the company's name?

Eye movement Regardless of whether a language employs left-to-right or right-to-left reading, in order for a word, any word, to be comprehended easily you can't ask the reader to "zig zag" ...
Scott's user avatar
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38 votes

Is it okay to fade a human face just to create some space to place important content over it?

When advertising, especially something which involves the human condition such as medical care, you want the viewer to be engaged and connected as much as possible. Human faces tend to soften ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 211k
28 votes

Should a logo always work in black and white?

A logo should work as black and white because it might be used in non-conventional ways. In this case black and white denotes high contrast or 2 colors/textures. This means that the logo can be used ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
25 votes

Incorrect usage of hyphens in the form “Artist - Song Name”

Mainly because: The dash is not part of people's keyboard. But the weird hyphen/minus character is (I mean ideally we would use minus for minus and hyphen for hyphen but that is just how it is). Most ...
joojaa's user avatar
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24 votes

What exactly makes this logo a design failure such that viewers cannot decipher the company's name?

I somewhat disagree with the existing answers and think the fundamental problems are these: The d has lost too many properties fundamental to a d and the Latin alphabet in general: The bowl is too ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
  • 15k
17 votes

Designers response in an adverse situation during the presentation of a project

I completely realize this is hypothetical, but that head appears to have been specifically created to correlate to the uterus. It's neither strong nor dominant in my view. I would not be comfortable ...
Scott's user avatar
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16 votes

How do designers choose shapes in a design?

Actually there may be a great deal of thought put into such usage, well beyond personal preference or some client directive. Style If you know you want a more friendly, loose "feel" then ...
Scott's user avatar
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15 votes

Why is the design of haulage companies so “special”?

Some of these companies are very old family operated, some even tracing back to the second world war or before. Such 'static' companies that are not sold every 5 years to somebody else in the gulf don'...
lmlmlm's user avatar
  • 29.6k
14 votes

How to deal with making design decisions

Picasso was touring an elementary school and viewing the artwork the children had on display. He was amazed at how good it all was. He asked the teacher... "What are you teaching these children ...
Scott's user avatar
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13 votes

How to reveal female symbol a little more in this design?

Ambiguity or unreadability is not always a bad thing in a logo. Being too literal can, at times, cause a design to suffer. It all inevitably comes down to how a mark is going to be used. An unreadable ...
Scott's user avatar
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12 votes

Does optical correction give a more aesthetic look to the SBI logo?

In typography, this is called an overshoot. And has been a very long-standing practice. In typeface design, the overshoot of a round or pointed letter (like O or A) is the degree to which it ...
Scott's user avatar
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12 votes

Does optical correction give a more aesthetic look to the SBI logo?

At first glance, this may look like a typographical overshoot, i.e., round bases and tops of letters extending a bit further up- or downwards than flat ones – which accounts for an optical illusion. ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
  • 15k
12 votes

What exactly makes this logo a design failure such that viewers cannot decipher the company's name?

The main aspect of this logo that confused me is the similarity of the first symbol to an at sign. For example, look at the logo compared to the primary image on the Wikipedia page for an at sign: ...
dmartens's user avatar
  • 129
11 votes

What methods can I use to create balance and consistency between a group of differing logos?

For those of you looking to do this automatically with a CMS or Javascript, there's a short formula I came up with that can take in most all logo sizes and make them visually consistent. Here it is ...
danpaquette's user avatar
11 votes

Is there a term for branding that is adaptive / modular which can be used to create brands and sub-brands?

Dynamic identities / flexible logos / flexible visual identities The increasing ubiquity of screens allowed dynamic identities to really take off. While brands have typically invested to maintain ...
curious's user avatar
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11 votes

How to indicate dark mode / light mode options on a user interface?

You could simply be straight forward with it....
Scott's user avatar
  • 211k
11 votes

What exactly makes this logo a design failure such that viewers cannot decipher the company's name?

Personally, I feel the major fail is not fully comprehending the western left to right reading bias. Left to right reading is a stronger influence than 'read the red letter first, then the black ones'....
Tetsujin's user avatar
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10 votes

How can I show the feelings of motion, distance, proximity, aggregation and segregation with dots?

I don't want to do your homework for you, but I can help you with the creative process. Make a list of all of the variables that are fixed. Square frame Dots Only Same size frames Then make a list ...
Kit MacAllister's user avatar
10 votes

Why are these two designs considered outdated and old-fashioned?

Okay.. simply looking at the first design... This is merely my opinion.... First. The logo needs to be reworked. it is the #1 factor lending things to a "dated" or "old-fashioned" ...
Scott's user avatar
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10 votes

Does printer color usage depend on how the object is designed?

I. Normally, a drawing program will send the data to a printer as you expected in this case. The printer will not care about the blue rectangle below the triangle. II. A printer does not have "...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 38k
9 votes

Why do most of the color palette generating websites generate specifically 5 swatches in a color scheme?

There aren't just 5 colors in a color scheme. Sometimes there's only two colors. Sometimes there are many more than five (when shades of the primary few colors are included as well, for example). ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
  • 13.4k
9 votes

How do typefaces become taboo?

I think its several different issues that make designers "hate" a font, and they often get clumped together Bad quality. If a font is badly designed, then it will stick out. Amateur designers often ...
spiral's user avatar
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9 votes

How can I show the feelings of motion, distance, proximity, aggregation and segregation with dots?

I would tell my students to look up the meanings of the words.Also, rather than look for one meaning, look for variations so that you have a broad understanding of the concept the word might be used ...
Stan's user avatar
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9 votes

Designers response in an adverse situation during the presentation of a project

Control reactions with your pitch As a designer you should have a presentation/pitch deck ready to lead your clients through your vision and design choices. That being said if you didn't have one or ...
Stegathesaurus's user avatar
9 votes

How to identify and understand the principles of a design?

I think this is totally normal when you are new at graphic design. Our brain can only hold so much at once, and with practice we are better able to group concepts and notions together as a whole. ...
curious's user avatar
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9 votes

Do I need to be Creative and Artistic to be a graphic designer?

Yes But being creative or artistic does not necessarily mean "ability to draw". Creativity is a must-have. A good designer needs to be able to imagine/see information in various constructs, ...
Scott's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I make objects and text stand out over a busy photo background?

There are a ton of possibilities, all of which depend upon the actual content. A dark gradient... A light gradient.... Blur and adjust levels ..... Probably my favorite technique... a band of ...
Scott's user avatar
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8 votes

Why large companies never use flat design?

Because they are not followers of trends. They are trend setters. Whole thing about Apple is "think different". You got 20 e-mails with "see what's IN in design in 201X" and it's something that Big ...
SZCZERZO KŁY's user avatar

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