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20 votes

Exploding a doughnut chart's slice

Instead of shifting shapes laterally away from the centre of the circle, imagine moving them towards the viewer. Just scale the slices up with the centre of the scaling aligned with the middle of the ...
r3mainer's user avatar
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11 votes

How to create a line graph around a circle

Put this into a file called CircularLinegraph.eps. You can then open it in any editor that understand EPS like illustrator, ghostscript, TEX, etc. %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 200 200 %%...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
10 votes

How to Make a Beautiful Stacked 3D Plot

This type of graph is called a 'Waterfall Plot' It can be used to plot arbitrary data in three axes (as in your example), but it is most commonly used to plot the results of a time-frequency analysis....
Robin Georg's user avatar
7 votes

Create a bar chart within a table in InDesign?

The cool way There's a font for this called FF Chartwell (no affiliation), which I have personally used for different annual reports and white papers. All the data is editable as numbers via the ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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7 votes

What's the name of this style of chart that splits flows?

This is called a Sankey Diagram.
Zach Saucier's user avatar
  • 13.4k
6 votes

What is this type of graph/plot called?

It is called a Radar chart (wikipedia) although thats not necessarily super well known or a high consensus name. Thus people have come with different names over time. I've seen it called a spider web ...
joojaa's user avatar
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6 votes

1960s technical charts sans-serif all caps font

NHB 1430.1 NASA Standards and Guidelines for Visual Information and Graphic Presentations March 1968 Slides, Viewgraphs and Flip Charts p 312
vetter's user avatar
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5 votes

Which program was this infographic made in?

This is from one of the MindMapping apps. It looks kind of like an old version of MindJet's MindManager, or modern output from Freemind, but could be a couple of others. A few of them can be ...
Confused's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the name of this sort of chart?

This chart is actually a Euler diagram, but not a Venn diagram. All Venn diagrams are Euler diagrams, but not all Euler diagrams are Venn diagrams. Wikipedia explains the difference succinctly: ...
John Holbrook's user avatar
5 votes

How to Make a Beautiful Stacked 3D Plot

%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 400 400 %%Title: Isometric Graph Drawing %%Creator: Janne Ojala %%CreationDate: 2019-04-17 %%EndComments /up {dup translate} def /down {neg up} def /...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
4 votes

Software for ideology scale chart

For reasons that shall become apparent, the list of software that can do this is absolutely staggering. The reason for this is that you do not list any border constraints for the application. Let us ...
joojaa's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there any quick way to write the text headings at specified rotations in a pie chart?

There is a concept known as using the 'wrong tool for the job'. Thing is the wrong tool is either illustrator or you. Creating info-graphics is one of those things where either you learn programming ...
joojaa's user avatar
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3 votes

Create a bar chart within a table in InDesign?

Imho, I would use Illustrator graph tool. Now, let's have some fun and bring some magic into INDD using GREP. The idea is to create character styles that would apply a strike-through to space after ...
Vinny's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create charts and tables with Inkscape?

Here's simple way to create table in Inkscape.... First, create rectangle with desired dimension. Then, underMenu>Edit choose Clone,then forward to Create tiled clones. Here you can set number of ...
Marinko's user avatar
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3 votes

How to force whole numbers to have one decimal place in Adobe Illustrator?

You can program your own graphs. This gives you total flexibility over the results. While this may seem daunting it is not. Most infographics are quite easy to codify, things like bar charts, line ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.6k
2 votes

What application was this chart made in?

Any scientific/statistical analysis tool should make this a breeze. Some tools (in alphabetical order) that you should consider are: Gnuplot, ← free Mathematica, Matlab, Octave, ← free Python, SciPy ...
joojaa's user avatar
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2 votes

Create a bar chart within a table in InDesign?

I apologize ahead of time, because this answer seems simple enough that you may have already decided it wouldn't work for your situation. But, I know that I often over-complicate things and need ...
magerber's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I change the order of pie chart slices?

It works for me. You edit your numbers in your data cells, then you need to update the graph by hitting the 'Apply' button as seen below. Otherwise, your default sorting order may have been changed. ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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2 votes

How to mention the author of an artistic infographic?

You can use "Illustration by.." or "Artwork by..". And forget about your nickname: assuming with the author caption you want people to reach you for paid work, use your real name.
lmlmlm's user avatar
  • 29.6k
2 votes

How to create complex graph/chart like these using illustrator?

It appears that has an app which is used for displaying data in a particular visual manner, as shown in your examples.
MarkR's user avatar
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2 votes

InDesign: building charts in EPS or Javascript

Don't try EPS, but use specialized software to do this. There are specialized programs such as GraphViz, but even Microsoft Excel should be able to draw such simple bar graphs. You cannot use any and ...
Anonymous's user avatar
2 votes

What's the name of this type of chart

It looks to me as a Range chart or Area Range chart, as what defines the main data is the range between the maximum and minimum value and not the values independently. As seen here https://www....
Luciano's user avatar
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2 votes

What's the name of this type of chart

Range plots are a relatively new* chart type. It's an extension of the dot plot, which William Cleveland created in the 1990s. Dot plots show one or multiple dots on one line. Range plots show exactly ...
Stan's user avatar
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2 votes

PowerPoint .crtx files problem when creating styled charts

The colors in the dialogue are the base colors that PowerPoint works with. It doesn't seem like the colors in the preview can be changed. I just tried it with my version of PowerPoint and the same ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 votes

How to increase marker size in Illustrator Scatter Graph?

Select all the objects you want to enlarge, then do Object > Transform > Transform each Type in a percentage for the enlargement in both the horizontal and vertical Make sure the centre ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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